Each of the gorgeously decorated flowers had a number and a "reason why I am wonderful, exceptional, and so very loved" from my very special friend, Brenda! I am SO lucky to have such an amazing and thoughtful friend! She managed to get so many people at my school to randomly deliver and/or "hide" cupcakes in my classroom at random times, that my students and I had to keep our eyes sharp for the next arrival! Each time we re-entered the room, I would hear shouts of "I see another cupcake!" or "there it is!". It was almost a game of "Where's Waldo"!
Towards the end of our day, I had almost 30 cupcakes with flowers, and it was time to share the cupcakes with my kinders! They had been "tortured" and "starved for sugar" all day (according to them), and were thrilled that I shared! (As if I could, or would, eat over 30 cupcakes myself!) :o)
Though I LOVED each thoughtful gift, and more than a few made me giggle and almost cry, here are some of my favorite "reasons" on the flowers: Craft Cave; You love when I sing Disney songs; You can hold it together in front of 25+ midgets; you shake the minds of our future serial murderers; you make amazing fudge (almost as good as Martha, haha!); you nearly always have green toe nails; frogs; you are unbelievably patient; you never give store-bought cards; your cellphone "ribbits"; you're always willing to hear your friends vent...no matter what you have on your plate; you make me feel sane when the rest of the world thinks I am crazy; and, you are a craft queen! ~Hoppy Crafting!