Sunday, April 17, 2011

Princess Birthday Cake

I made this princess birthday cake for Miss Mackinzie, at the request of her grandmother.  The cake is an 11x15 sheet cake.  I frosted the entire cake in blue, then used a toothpick to free-hand the castle design.  Once I was satisfied with the look, I used dark pink to outline the castle, then light pink and purple to fill in the castle.  When I was finished, I added some flowers climbing up the castle and around the archway, as well as adding some clouds and the traditional "Happy Birthday" phrasing.  I also added Mackinzie's name over the drawbridge.  ~Hoppy Crafting! 


  1. Did you do cakes like this before I met you in college? I mean I knew you were crafty and all but I guess in college and not having your own kitchen kinda limits the cake craftiness...It looks awesome! Good job!

  2. Thanks, Anita! Yes, I've done cakes forever! I was decorating when I was 2. Lol! My mom has always done cakes and was self-taught. I learned by watching her and helping her with them as I grew up. Glad you like it! :o)
